Friday, March 17, 2017

Stress is part of human life. But of course, too much stress will kill you so let us just put it this way, WE WILL DEAL STRESS GRACEFULLY. May it be in our home, school, or peers, we always feel stressful especially when we are in the mood to deal with them. Stress never leaves our side, that is why stress is better compared to him! Kidding aside, stress is always with us no matter where we go. Well in my case, I will present three factors that cause me stress and these are the following:

Meeting Deadlines- Of course as a responsible individual I need to do my part as a daughter, student and teacher, but with all the projects that are piling up meeting with deadlines with these tasks are extraneous and mind blowing, but of course these tasks are part of my goal to become a successful individual.

Colleagues – This is one of the factors that cause me stress, simply because there are people who are just so annoying and trying to get your attention and emotion; these are the people who pressure and critique you, critics are accepted, but to the point of instead of minding their own business on simple details they really pay attention to your work.  

Students – As a teacher I am already aware of students’ behavior because I for one experienced being a student, but there are times that you cannot control your emotion especially just by looking at your student that makes your blood boil without apparent reason. The smile of my students take away my stress, but they are also the reason why I always feel stress. As what I have mentioned it’s normal to feel stress even though those people make your day.

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